Taking a RV on a Hunting Trip, What to Keep In Mind?

Taking a RV on a Hunting Trip, What to Keep In Mind?


With the arrival of the hunting season, it is time to get outdoors and enjoy. The teams and forests offer the best challenge to test your hunting skills. There are many spots to go hunting in the United States. It is advisable to know the regulations and rules that apply in each state. When it comes to camping, RV presents a whole new level of comfort. With all the extra space, it comes with a packing list that has to be updated. Sleeping arrangements, cooking, and eating out has to be arranged before hand to ensure that the trip turns out to be a success.

Hunting and betting

Hunting is a popular pastime that has been around since the dawn of humanity. It involves tracking, stalking, and shooting game in order to obtain food and other resources. Hunting has also become a beloved leisure activity for millions of people around the world. Many hunters find the thrill of bagging a trophy animal or simply spending time in nature to be immensely satisfying.

In recent years, sports betting has become increasingly linked with hunting activities. Betwinner Kenya Registration offers a variety of betting lines on many hunting-related sports such as birdshooting, trophy deer and elk archery, waterfowl migration patterns, and much more. Through this platform, would-be hunters can gain a deeper understanding of wildlife activity as well as hone their skills for their next outing. With the help of advanced analytics programs and insights from expert hunters, system provides accurate real-time statistics that allow users to make informed decisions when placing bets on any hunting sport.

Not only does bookmaker offer traditional betting options but they have also developed an innovative point-based system which allows users to wager points instead of money on various hunting events. This system allows participants to practice their skills without risking any money while still competing against other players with similar knowledge levels. Furthermore, Betwinner Kenya provides even more insight into successful hunting strategies by offering detailed analysis on each player’s performance so that users can better understand what it takes to win at different levels of competition.


As much as open fire cooking is a great idea, you will require additional cooking supplies for the RV kitchen. This will make cooking feel like a home experience. You should ensure that you have the right food preparation and cooking equipment for the adventure. They type of cooking equipment required will vary depending on the type of hunting activities that you want to do, the trip length and the time of the year.

Clothes and personal items

Taking a RV on a Hunting Trip, What to Keep In MindAlthough you will be spending time in the woods, you still need a change clothes. The weather can change suddenly without prior signs. It might rain and you had not packed warm clothes. This might expose you to health problems such as colds and flu’s. For a hunting trip using a RV, you should consider items such as shoes, shorts, towels, toothbrush hat and comb brush.

Portable Toilets

When going on a hunting trip one of the things you might look past is having a portable toilet. But the benefits of having a portable toilet either installed in your RV or to take with you on your trip are endless, especially if you are spending more than a few days on your trip. When it comes to choosing the best portable toilet for your RV there are many options to choose from ranking from toilets to have on the go to popular options like the Thetford 92360 to install in your RV. To learn more about the best toilets visit www.besttoiletguide.net for detailed reviews and general discussion about how to choose the toilet for your RV or home.

Safety tips when hunting

Accidents happen unexpectedly when you are out there hunting. It is good to pack a first aid kit in your RV. This will come in handy since you are miles away from a medical facility. A simple medical kit will help to take care of simple injuries such as bruises and burns. It is good to take caution before the unexpected happens. Remember to carry sun glasses to keep you protected from sun burns. Sunglasses will also help protect the eyes from the strong glare of ultra violet light. Do not forget to carry enough water, matches, and flashlight. Trail maps and compass should not be left behind.


After a long and tiresome hunting trip during the day, you will need to relax and enjoy the evening. Remember to carry a television set that can use the power of the RV. You can also carry a generator just in case you need an extra source of power. You can also carry a novel to keep your mind occupied when you are alone out there.

RV water softener

Taking a RV on a Hunting Trip, What to Keep In MindGetting clear, clean, and good tasting water is an important part of your hunting trip. In many parts of the country, the only way to obtain clean drinking water is when you buy from the shops. There is not much difference between that clean bottled water and the tap water that you have at home.

There are different types of faucet water filters and water softeners that you can use when you hit the road. Many drinking water filters come with standard equipment that can be used in many recreation vehicles. If your RV was not equipped with one, it can always be added. A system to heat the water is also important so you might have to invest in a tankless gas water heater for your RV to make things more comfortable for your trip. An external water filter system is another option. This has been designed in such a way that it can be used in line with the hose that supplies the recreational vehicle with the city water.
RV shower heads

You might be going for a hunting trip in your RV but some basic luxuries such as good showers and shower heads available in the market can be a welcome addition. It will make the trip more thrilling and enjoyable. The current shower heads designed for RVs come with the latest technology to make sure that even weak water streams will give you a great shower.

RV shower heads use very minimal water which is a benefit for areas which have limited water. They conserve water contrary to many people who believe that they consume a lot of water. They are easy to install and water regulation features.

When shopping for a good shower, you should consider the type of material it is made of. A shower head should have good quality material. This will ensure it gives you service for a long time without clogging. Here’s a good guide on shower heads.


RV hunting trips will provide you with the adventure that you crave. You can get tired and dirty as you wish because at the end of the day you will get time to have a great shower and relax. Make sure to pack all the items that you need.

Wolf Hunting In North America; Facts and Figures

Wolf Hunting In North America; Facts and Figures


Taking a RV on a Hunting Trip, What to Keep In MindWolf hunting is mainly done to protect livestock, for sport, and for their skins. However, the main reason why they are hunted is to protect domestic animals. In 2011, the Obama administration lifted the endangered species protection act for wolves. This affected eight states in the great lakes and northern Rockies. Since then more than 500 wolves have been killed by trappers and hunters in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. This hunting was allowed in order to manage the population of wolves.

Origin of Wolf Hunting In North America

The move to control the numbers of wolves in North America started when private owners of land started trapping and baiting wolves. Back then wolf baiting was both for livestock protection and a form of sporting activity. In the Yellowstone national park, hunting and baiting wolves had slowly become a profession that was considered very lucrative. The value of their hides was in high demand which led to an almost extinction.

Wolf Extermination Programs Sanctioned By The Government

As the 19th century approached, there was an increased demand for wider grazing areas by the wealthy livestock owners. With their influence, the government gave in to their demands and exterminated almost all wolves across the lower 48 states. Since then, there have been considerable increase in the wolf populations which has created panic among farmers.

Taking a RV on a Hunting Trip, What to Keep In MindIt is considered illegal to shoot a wolf in Alaska using rim fire rifle since they are considered as big game. In 2007, state biologists set up a goal to kill around 600 wolves which was to be conducted by volunteer hunters. With the end of the predator control season, that target was not achieved due to poor flying conditions and high fuel prices.

Despite the trapping and hunting that occurs every year in Alaska, there is still a high occurrence of wolves in their natural habitat. Currently, there are five wolf control programs in Alaska covering about 10% of the land area owned by the state. There is also a control program that is closely controlled that allows the use of airborne or aerial methods for hunting down wolves and removing them in designated areas. In these areas, the numbers of wolves are temporarily reduced, but not a permanent elimination.

The North America wolf populations are sustained at 20 to 40% natural mortality rates. Despite this, there is no observed drastic decline in the numbers yearly. In 2007, Sarah Palin gave permission for shooting bears and wolves when airborne to ensure property protection. It is estimated that 15% of the 7000 wolves in Alaska and Canada are harvested every year. In Ontario, the wolf bounty system was ceased in 1972 but the harvest season for wolves was retained at an all year round. However, there are some wolf bounties offered by some local governments especially in Alberta. In 2010, Lake County offered over C$300 per every adult wolf hunted down. During that phase, 290 wolves were hunted down and killed up to the year 2012.

The number of wolves that have been hunted by wildlife service agents due to their threat to livestock is not clear. The number of wolves that have died still remains significantly high after those that have been killed by diseases, poachers or other means. Many human beings fear wolves but it is extremely rare for them to attack humans although they are known to attack and maim livestock.

Taking a RV on a Hunting Trip, What to Keep In MindWith the close of the hunting season, it is estimated that hunters in Idaho killed 259 wolves while 225 wolves were killed by hunters in Montana. In Wyoming, 42 wolves were killed during the controlled trophy hunting area that was carried out in Grand Teton national park and near Yellowstone. According to Eric Kezler, from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, another 32 wolves were killed in other parts of the state. These are areas where it is permitted to shoot gray wolves whenever they appear on site. This was done in an attempt to maintain a healthy wolf population.

According to reports detailing the latest wolf populations, the wolf population in areas of where it had been hunted intentionally has recovered to the previous numbers, especially in the northern Rockies region. Towards the end of that year, the wolves were estimated 1774 spread across 274 packs.


Although wolves are considered to be a threat to human beings and livestock, their hunting should be done in a controlled way. The increased hunting and government sponsored programs might make the wolves move out of their natural habitats which would create an imbalance in the ecosystem.

Stop The Unjustified Killing And Hunting of Montana’s Wolves

Stop The Unjustified Killing And Hunting of Montana’s Wolves


According to the Great Falls Tribune, the number of wolves in Montana is around 554. This is a sharp contrast to 2013 when the number was around 627. The trend is that wolves in Montana are on the decline. Montana’s Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Commission approved a controversial proposal to allow hunting if up to five wolves for every hunter. Previously, one was allowed up to three wolves.In this light, there is an urgent need to stand up for the wolves before they become extinct.

Unjustified Killing and Hunting of Montana Wolves

Stop The Unjustified Killing And Hunting of Montana’s WolvesThe commission has stated its intention to continue allowing the utility of traps and snares not only in recreational facilities but also public areas. In connection to this, out of state hunting charges have been reduced and the requirements are now more lax. Such factors act as a perfect incentive to more rigorous hunting trips.

In particular, pregnant wolves are going to be threatened due to their lower survival tactics. This is because the mating season for wolves starts in around February and goes to March. Thus, any extension of the hunting season has a direct impact of affecting the pregnant wolves.

Conservationists termed it as an unjustified and unwarranted hostile assault to the steps that have been made in the conservation of wolves.

The unjustified killing and hunting of wolves means that the ecological benefits that wolves bring cease to exist. For example, wolves play an important role in controlling the population of deer and other wildlife. The fact is that wolves reduces their population and thus contributes to the overall management of the ecosystem. In addition to that, reducing the population of wildlife also plays a critical role in controlling some diseases, the Chronic Wasting Disease for instance.

The public needs to understand that there are two main activities that are happening in Montana in relation to the wolves. First, there is the constant removal of gray wolves from the areas under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Second, EPA gives individual states the power t make decisions related to species. For instance, determination of which species is endangered and which one is not.

Other activities threatening the wolves in Montana include the following: poisoning, trapping, bounty programs, aerial shooting, and some sport activities.

Notable Examples

Stop The Unjustified Killing And Hunting of Montana’s WolvesOne of the main voices in defense of the wolves is Mary Rossi. She has had a very vocal voice in stating the case for the wolves. Her greatest advantage is that she has spent a significant amount of time doing comprehensive research about the pack animals. In fact, she has made a number of publications including in a peer-reviewed journal.

Rossi, unlike quite a number of other agencies, employs science and empirical data in order to defend the wolves. In this regard, she has visited FWP many times in order to explain to the officials about better ways of acquiring data concerning the wolves in order to ensure accuracy. She has severally questioned the FWP’s methodology of data collection and the eventual analysis thereof. In addition to that, she has voiced concern about the number of the wolves that die in public hunts. She hopes that her efforts will not go unrewarded despite the challenges.

Jay Mallonee, an independent biologist, ran a spirited campaign to collect signatures for a petition that advocated for more protection of the wolves. Similarly, he has ran a donation campaign in order to fund activities that advance the protection of the wolves. He says that Montana authorities do not use any established protocols in “counting the wolves.”If that is the case then, Jay concludes that any policy that is born out of flawed data is itself a flawed policy. He takes a radical position and calls the unjustified and unwarranted killing and hunting of wolves in Montana as genocide.


Montana authorities states that the state has exceeded the standard conservation and recovery goals.However, if the facts on the ground are anything to go by, there is a lot that need to be done. If Montana is to retain its wolf population, the established state management plans and administrative regulations must be applied to the letter. Similarly, authorities should be careful not to exaggerate the adoption of targeted wolf depredation response. Perhaps, rethinking the controversial proposal of allowing more hunting of the wolves in Montana is not a bad way to start.

How to Track Animal Movement In the Woods

How to Track Animal Movement In the Woods


Animal tracking is an art that has been there for many years but has almost been forgotten in the modern world. It is an age-old tradition that was used by traditional inhabitants to hunt down animals for their daily food. Similar to many other activities, tracking requires years of practice and dedication to properly hone the skills. However, almost everyone can learn how to track animals in the woods, by learning the basic signs and skills.

Begin at home

How to Track Animal Movement In the WoodsIn order to know how to track deers, foxes and other locally occurring animals, the first thing is to understand what is involved in this ancient craft. Real tracking is not as entertaining as the videos which are displayed on most of the movie channels and television sets. An experienced tracker does not speak much but instead makes full use of their senses to understand the nature of the landscape and pick out any tracks on site. Tracking is an excellent way to learn about animals especially mammals that are mostly nocturnal.

Reading the signs

How to Track Animal Movement In the WoodsWhen tracking the main aim should be to locate, understand and follow the trails left behind by the animals as they move through the woods or landscape. There are some places where clear footprints have been left behind that can help identify the species of the animal and in better cases even its age and sex. A footprint is also enough to record the speed and gait of the animal.

Read the tracks

A trail can be equated to music. Its tempo and rhythm can tell a lot about the state of mind of the animal. For example, a footprint with fine details can help to determine how fresh or tire the animal being followed is. A track should not only provide the footprint of the animal but should also provide an image of the animal that created it. To be able to be effective in this, it is good to watch as many videos of wild animals as possible. A closer look should be done. It is good to observe how a deer moves it legs and hips and how it responds to the objects around it. Animals moving through landscapes encounter different objects along the way which might include steep slopes, ditches, or fallen branches.


For effective tracking of animals in the wood, interpreting any droppings found should be a vital skill for every tracker. The shape of the dropping, the texture, and the color the location and the smell should be considered. On top of that it is good to consider how these features might have changed over time and why the faeces were deposited there. Through practice, it is possible to determine the sex and age of a deer. Faeces contain a lot of information which might not be spotted by an untrained eye.

Inner calm

Tracking is an activity that does not require jumping around. It requires a lot of concentration and inner calm. It requires a meditative state of mind to stick together the various clues found in the woods or wilderness. An inner calm will also help to notice any dangerous animals such as lions and leopards that might be approaching and take the necessary steps.

Tracking tips

How to Track Animal Movement In the WoodsThe tracks of animals can appear almost everywhere in the woods. Here are some few pointers to look out for when out there in the woods.

– Deer couches: these are depressions that are observed in the leaf litter on the floor of the forest. The show where a deer has been resting or has slept. They are mostly found under trees in locations that give the deer a nice view of the surrounding woodland. If it has deer hair, then there are high chances that the deers are moulting and ready for winter.

– Fox scats: fox prefer anthills, molehills; grass tussocks and any feature that is slightly raised in the landscape should be searched for fox droppings. The color of the droppings indicates their diet.

– Wild boar wallows: wild boar numbers are slowly increasing. Two outstanding features to observe are disturbed areas in the ground and muddy wallows where the animals might have buried their food.


Tracking animals is an activity that requires a life time commitment. It requires determination coupled with patience and the ability to make out signs where there seem to be none. It also helps to sharpen the senses since it requires deep concentration.

Can I Hunt Big Game With an Air Rifle?

Can I Hunt Big Game With an Air Rifle?


There is a growing interest in hunting with air guns. It is among the few sections of the hunting industry that has recorded growth and there are good reasons behind that. Air guns are quieter and safer than most firearms. Ammo is available readily, they are not expensive to shoot, and they can be readily used in many places that normal firearms are not allowed.

Can I Hunt Big Game With an Air RifleTop grade accurate air guns, are currently considered some of the most accurate in the whole world. Adult air rifles that are of high quality come with enough power with the ability to kill take out any animal. This has not gone unnoticed by game agencies. They have updated their laws regarding the use of hunting game with air rifles.

Non powder guns have been designed to discharge pellets at high intensity and force. Therefore, they should not be likened to toy guns. Regulations relating to the use of air rifles are mainly overseen by the consumer product safety commission. As such, air guns are subject to statutory limitations that are generalized. Most of the existing laws relating to the use of air guns have mainly been put in place to protect young children.

It is every hunter’s responsibility to understand the local laws that regulate the use of air guns. However, these laws keep on changing and the hunter has to remain updated on the most recent jurisdictions and laws pertaining to the use of pellet guns. Most of the states require the hunter to possess a valid hunting license as a basic requirement.

Air rifle laws by state

Can I Hunt Big Game With an Air RifleVarious localities and states have different regulations and laws with the use of pellet guns that are commonly known as air guns. The federal government does not have a blanket regulation covering all states. Air rifles and air pistols are normally regarded as non-powder guns.


Arizona is among the few states that have set clear laws relating to the use air rifles as equipment for hunting. In 2014, changes to these regulations were implemented to allow hunting of big game with air rifles. Species that can be hunted with air rifles include mule deer, white tail, bear, mountain lion, and javalina. These animals can be hunted with air rifles with a .357 caliber or even larger. This has made the state to be a popular destination for hunters who use air rifles.


Any game in this state, big and small may be hunted with the use of a crossbow, bow, fire arm, or even slingshots. According to the laws in this state, a fire arm is defined as any equipment or weapon that can propel a dangerous projectile through the use of gas, air or explosive. Therefore, air rifles apart from the smooth bores and have been specifically manufactured for propelling by gas, air or spring can be used.


Air rifles should not be sold to persons below the age of 18 years in California. The law also prohibits selling or furnishing air guns to parents or guardians who have children below the age of 18 years under their care. An air gun should also not be brandished in public. When it comes to hunting with air guns, the state only allows use of air rifles to hunt small game such as rabbits, quail, turkey, and squirrels.


A few years back, this state expanded their laws to allow hunting of big game animals as well as small game with air guns. Apart from the typical animals such as squirrels and rabbits, air rifles can also be used to hunt deers and black bears. It is one of the best hunting destinations with its relaxed and well thought out laws regarding use of air rifles.


The laws in Texas tend to be different from most of the other states. Hunting of game animals with air rifles is totally prohibited. However, the state allows hunting of non-game animals whether big game or small game with air rifles. What this means is that coyotes, feral hogs, axis deers and rams can be hunted among other species that are considered indigenous.


The states have been randomly selected to look at the state of regulations regarding the use of air rifles in the country. The prospective air gun hunter will have a good idea of what might be expected. States like Virginia, Arizona, and California have clearly stated laws regarding the use of air guns. However, hunters in other zones need to do their homework well in order to have proper clarification.

Reintroduction of Red Wolves Into North Carolina: Good News

Reintroduction of Red Wolves Into North Carolina: Good News


The red wolf is one of the engendered species in the American fauna population. It was designated as an endangered species in 1967 though it has been under threat for a number of years. The species faced a big challenge due to the alteration and degradation of its habitat. Today, around 200 red wolves roam the US with the majority of them (around 50 to 75 being situated in North Carolina). The unique thing about the red wolves in North Carolina is that it is the only state that offers a wild habitat for the wolves.

Red wolves are crafty and smart animals. They do not have predators in the continent. This increases their rate of survival despite the fact they are threatened. In around 1900, the red wolves roamed the Southeastern US in large numbers. However, they became wiped out gradually to an extent that they were almost extinct. There have been numerous efforts to save the red wolves in the past. For example, in the 1990s, there was an effort to introduce the red wolves to the Great Smoky Mountains. However, in this case, the initiative received waning support. This is because the farmers were angered by the wolves’ behavior of straying out of the park.

Reintroduction of Red Wolves into North Carolina

Reintroduction of Red Wolves Into North Carolina The Endangered Species Act has formulated a set of rules and regulations that will play a critical role in protecting the endangered species, including the red wolf. In this light, the government made deliberate effort to help the red wolves to establish themselves. Captive-bred red wolves were strategically released to the

North Carolina’s Albemarle Peninsula

Along the way, red wolves did inter-breed with the coyotes creating a breed known as the super-coyotes. Wildlife officials tried to prevent this inter-breeding. They used various methods such as sterilizing, moving, and trapping. Unfortunately, such efforts were inconsequential. There is no much distinction between a coyote and a wolf. In fact, well trained professionals may have a problem distinguishing between the duo.

The Red Wolf Recovery Program

The Red Wolf Recovery Program was introduced 28 years ago. However, it has faced a number of challenges. One of the greatest advantages of the program is that it has helped in the noble conservation of the red wolves. In addition to that, it has played a critical role in giving the endangered species an ideal environment for growth and reproduction and a natural habitat.

The wolves advocates point out that the wolves have helped get rid of weak species such as the deer and the rabbits.Consequently, they have created a natural balance in North Carolina’s eco-system. In connection to this, they have reduced the number of animals that are too weak to survive or have a disease.

Reintroduction of Red Wolves Into North Carolina However, the great conservation efforts are now under threat. North Carolina’s Wildlife Resources Commission formally wrote to the federal government stating that there is a need to halt the program. The commission states that the wolves have not been able to remain in their reserved land (federal land). Rather, they have constantly encouraged private land. The commission cites that farmers have cried foul over the behavior of the wolves and have yearned to have the program stopped. Its bone of contention with the red wolves is that they lack a means of self-sustainability.

Farmers have voiced their concern about their inability to control the red wolves. Similarly, hunters have complained that the red wolves have predited on other animals such as the deer. Jett Ferebee, a hunter, has stated that his efforts to scare away the red wolves using air-horns have failed terribly leaving him at the mercy of the animals. Similarly, the trap-release efforts have failed as well.


The question of red wolves in North Carolina brings to debate the difficulty in establishing a healthy balance between conservation efforts and safeguarding the economic activities of residents (farmers fort instance). On one hand, there are conservationists and scientists who try by all means necessary to advocate for the conservation and habitat freedom of the red wolves. On the hand, there is the landowners and the hunters who are ill at ease with the red wolves and ensure that the red wolves are contained. Whichever, the reconciliation efforts that take place, the debate about how to respond to the red wolves is not going to die soon.

Is It Legal to Hunt Wolves With a Crossbow?

Is It Legal to Hunt Wolves With a Crossbow?


Crossbow hunting is a trend that is growing rapidly across the country. The relaxation of regulations regarding crossbows has come with their share of controversy. However, those who advocate for the use of crossbows are making inroads and winning the war slowly. As a result more people are now joining this hobby and heading to the woods with this hunting equipment. There are several advantages that come with using a crossbow, however, there are things to consider and the regulations that apply to determine whether hunting wolves with crossbows is legal or not.

Regulations regarding crossbow hunting per season

Is It Legal to Hunt Wolves With a CrossbowPeople who intend to hunt wolves with a crossbow must possess a license. Crossbows can be used to hunt wolves in the state of Alaska; it is illegal to use crossbows in areas that have been designated for normal bows only. However, crossbows can be legally used bows and guns are legal weapons. During the archery season, it is legal for handicapped hunters to use crossbows as long as they stick to approved means and methods.

In California, hunters can use crossbows to hunt wolves during the gun seasons. In 2004, the California Game Commission amended laws that regulate hunting with crossbows to include the following. Any person who is disabled and the disability prevents them from effectively using a bow in a firing position is allowed to use a crossbow or any device that helps them to draw the string during hunting. However, the hunter must provide their full personal details and their medical records detailing the same.


It is legal to use crossbows in Idaho during the hunting season when all weapons are allowed. This can be done without requiring seeking any other permit apart from the normal hunting permit or license. Crossbows are also allowed to be used by handicapped hunters during the archery season. However, hunters must possess an up to date hunting license, hunting tag and archery permit.


A hunter who possesses an archery permit can use a crossbow to hunt wolves from the second Monday after thanksgiving, until the end of the archery hunting season. Persons who are 62 years old and above and who have a valid photo ID can also hunt with a crossbow. Such individuals are permitted to hunt wolves with crossbows when there are seasons that allow the use of archery related equipment. However, all crossbows used during hunting must meet the set criteria and standards.


In this state, crossbows can only be used during any legal weapon hunt. It is illegal to use crossbows for archery hunts. The crossbows used must have a minimum draw weight of 125 pounds and a draw length minimum of 14 inches. Arrows must have a broad head and a minimum of 16 inches.

Wolf hunting tips with a crossbow

Is It Legal to Hunt Wolves With a CrossbowProtect the string

One of the most vital parts of a crossbow is the string and therefore it should be given the protection that is necessary. The string should be regularly inspected for wear and tear. Dirt produces friction which turns to wear and tear. So it is good to ensure that the strings and cables are clean after the hunting session is over. The crossbow should be transported in its case in order to minimize the buildup of dirt and dust. Friction still occurs under normal usage but it can be reduced through lubricating the rail and waxing the string.

Use proper optics

Any sighting system can be mounted on the crossbow but it is advisable to use one that has been specifically designed for crossbows. Scopes come with three horizontal cross hairs and are typically multi-reticle or three dots. The top reticle can be sighted for 20 yards. A three dot can be used appropriately with most crossbows. For crossbows that are faster and have higher speeds, a cross hair scope will be the best to be used.

Use a cocking device always

Majority of crossbow hunters use cocking devices but it still falls back to personal preference and convenience. It is challenging to pull 150 pounds of draw weight even to the strongest hunters. Slighter hunters will find it even more challenging. A cocking device maintains accuracy and gives the hunter enough draw back power.


As much as many people consider it a sport or hobby, crossbow hunting has to be regulated by laws. If used haphazardly, they can result to injuries and irresponsible hunting. However, different states in the U.S have different laws regarding the legality of hunting wolves with a crossbow.

What to Bring Kayaking

What to Bring Kayaking

One cannot emphasize enough the importance of good preparation when it comes to kayaking. Knowing what to do and what to bring can certainly save your from needless hassle, injuries, and mishaps – it might even allow you to help out a fellow kayaker along the way! That said, in this article we will focus on some essentials that you should definitely take with you when you are kayaking.

Before we start with our list, here is an important reminder first: kayaks have weight limits and it is extremely important that you follow them, especially if you are paddling on a tricky trail. That said, do not just shove everything into your bag. Consider which ones you need the most and/or consider lighter alternatives.

So, are you ready? Here are the things you should bring kayaking:

Flotation device

What to Bring KayakingIt does not matter if you are a beginner or a long-time kayaker. Buoyancy aids are incredibly important and you should never go kayaking without them. Take note that while buoyancy aids specifically suited for kayaking operates in the same way as life jackets, these aids allow for better movement. Flotation devices or buoyancy aids are provided by kayaking schools and places which rent out kayaks, so you do not have to shell out money for one. However, if you plan on taking kayaking seriously, it will be a lot better if you have one tailor made for you.

Not all kayakers wear helmets, but just to stay on the safe side, it is better if you wear one when kayaking. This is especially the case if you are a beginner or if you are planning to navigate difficult trails. Helmets will not only protect you from hurting yourself with your paddle (trust me, this happens more often than kayakers would care to admit), it will also keep you from getting head injuries should your boat capsize.

Wet shoes

It might be tempting to just wear your trusted rubber shoes or your favorite boat shoes, but if you want to stay on the safe side (and if you do not want to ruin your shoes), you should invest in wet shoes. Wet shoes are specifically made for water sports and are typically made from neoprene. The rubber soles are especially designed to make it easier to walk on slippery surfaces (i.e., your kayak; you surely would not want to slip and hurt yourself or, worse, fall into the water). Unlike usual trainers, wet shoes do not absorb water and, as such, will not get heavy even when wet. Moreover, they are not that expensive so you should definitely consider investing in one before kayaking.

Wet suit or dry suit

If you are kayaking in calm waters, a shirt and shorts might suffice. However, if the water temperature is low or if you are paddling in rapids, it is advisable to wear a wet suit or a dry suit. These will protect you from the sun while at the same time keep you warm. After all, getting wet is inevitable in kayaking and you have to be prepared for the eventuality of your kayak capsizing. The last thing you want is to fall into the water and end up shivering the whole trip back to the shore.

If you have sensitive hands or if you are having difficulty in gripping the paddle properly, then consider investing in kayaking gloves. This will help you get a better hold of the paddle and, therefore, will greatly contribute to a good paddling technique.

Dry bag

What to Bring KayakingDry bags are watertight and will help you keep your belongings dry even if your kayak capsizes, so you should definitely invest in one. (No need to worry, dry bags are not expensive and are readily available in sports stores.)

Change of clothes

In case you are wondering what you will need a dry bag for, this is one of the reasons. Make sure that you bring a change of clothes with you when you are kayaking so you have something to change into after you get back from paddling. Also, in the eventuality that you cannot get back to the shore immediately and have to stop somewhere first, it is incredibly helpful to have dry clothes with you.

Communication device

Another thing you should keep in your dry bag is your communication device. It could be your phone or tablet – whatever works for you. This is especially important for beginners and/or if you are going kayaking on a long trail. Having a communication device with you will help you get help in case of accidents, as well as give other people the means to contact you in case of an emergency.

Food and water

Of course, we are not talking about a full-course meal here. Just bring something to munch on (definitely something that will not require utensils) and enough water to keep you hydrated. Unexpected things can happen during the trail, so it is better to have something to eat in case your itinerary will have to be extended. Also, keeping hydrated is incredibly important, especially on a warm day. You might be surrounded by water when you are kayaking, but always remember that drinking water is not immediately accessible so prepare accordingly.

And those are the nine things you should never forget to bring with you when kayaking. Do note, however, that this is more of a beginner’s kit. If you are planning to kayak on more difficult trails or looking for a kayak to take fishing, or if you are planning a longer kayaking activity, then you should definitely invest in more advanced kayaking gear (think kayaking knife, rope bag, and spray deck). For those of you who are just getting started on kayaking though and are looking for , these nine kayaking kit basics should do the trick. No worries because your kayaking instructor will certainly bring the more advanced items that you might need while paddling.

That said, before you head out on your first kayaking adventure, make sure that you have this checklist.

Best Scopes to Observing Big Game

Best Scopes to Observing Big Game


For hunters, target shooters, bird watchers or any undertaking that requires enhanced vision, a scope is a requirement and a good investment. Scopes have many different types of uses but the basic application is required in situations that require greater magnification than what binoculars can provide. A scope can be attached to cameras to capture long range photos, of animals in their natural habitat without disturbing them or endangering themselves. These are some of the best scopes for observing wildlife.

Swarovski 80 mm STS HD Straight Spotting Scope

Best Scopes to Observing Big GameDesigned with a straight scope, this piece of equipment is perfect for hunting and observing game when outdoors. It comes with a glass of high density and lens that is fully multi-coated to produce a crisp and clear image. It has a tripod ring that rotates that gives the user positional flexibility that is most required.

With a 16 feet close focus, it can be used to observe game both close and far away with good results. It has a light weight body made of aluminum alloy, which is good solution to withstand the condition in the woods. For added protection against weather elements, the scope is coated with Swaroclean. This scope is water proof and fog proof and also provides a sunshade to minimize the effects of glare on image quality.

Vortex Razor HD 20-60×85 Angled Spotting Scope

Best Scopes to Observing Big GameThis 85 mm angled spotting scope comes with a close focus of 16 feet. The images produced are crisp and enhanced which is made possible through the lens system which is a sophisticated triplet achromatic. The body is made from magnesium alloy which is light weight and compact.

The eyecup is adjustable with a duel focus feature to allow for fine adjustments for clear images. With ArmorTek lens coating, this scope has been designed to for oil repelling from the lens. It is weather proof to snow, fog, or rain. Therefore any observation or hunting expedition can be done without worrying about weather conditions. The purchase comes with a 20x to 60x magnification eyepiece plus a rotating tripod for positional flexibility.

Minox MD 16-30×50 W Angled Spotting Scope

Best Scopes to Observing Big GameThis scope is a great compact and lightweight tool for wildlife observers who are constantly on the move. It is can be easily managed on almost all trails and dense foliage. This makes game observation more exciting in a variety of different locations. The lens is fully multi coated and a porro prism for producing a view that has great clarity and color.

Although the close focus is somehow larger than what majority of photographers might prefer, it produces considerable detail that is not possible with most of the other scopes for those long range observations. Its exterior is made from sturdy metal and also fitted with rubber armoring to provide a surface that is secure and non-slip. This is perfect for those difficult terrains. The scope comes with weatherproof features thus protecting the scope from weather patterns that are incremental.

Opticron GS 52 GA ED 12-36×52 Angled Spotting Scope

Best Scopes to Observing Big Game
spotting scope mounted for birder.

This is another preferred option for big game observers. It is good for hiking since it is light weight and other travel modes that are involving. The lens is fully multi coated and equipped with low dispersion glass as an addition for excellent light transmission and high quality image. The close focus is 8 feet and produces crisp and clear images. For enhance performance, the user should ensure the image is pristine and the dual focus feature is enabled. It is weatherproofed against any forms of extreme weather.

Vortex Razor HD 16-48×65 Angled Spotting Scope

Best Scopes to Observing Big GameThis is one of those high end devices for the hunter who is ready to pay more for quality. its quality levels exceeds most of the spotting scopes that are available in the market today. The lens is made of high density glass and top of the line features for to produce excellent and impeccable images that do not have any imperfections.

The field of view produces astounding sharpness and high density resolution for highly detailed images. It has a close focus of 11 feet enabling the observation of animals that are close without any problems. It also comes with an eyepiece that has a 16x to 48x magnification for enhanced viewing experience. It is weatherproof against most weather conditions and layered protection from dust and debris.


There are different makes of scopes that are available in the market. However, scopes are not equally created. The user should know the type of magnification that they need and then proceed to choose the scope that suits their needs best from the scopes available.

How to Track Wolves with a Trail Camera?

How to Track Wolves with a Trail Camera?


Wolves are animal species which change their homes considerably due to prey species distribution, seasonal changes, human activities, and snow conditions. They can travel very many miles in one night. Young wolves tend to disperse for many miles before they can establish a local and stable home. Wolves that are non-resident normally pass through an area and never come back. Due to the above features, it can become very challenging to establish a specific location where wolves have settled. The presence of a wolf in a certain location in the past does not guarantee the return of the animal.

Wolves prefer gated roads and lightly travelled paths same as established game trails. They also undertake numerous scents marking along these trails. Therefore, trails and roads make good locations for setting up trail cameras. Wolves that belong to a certain pack will have their patterns more predictable during early summer or winter since they stick to a den. With their exceptional sense of smell and excellent vision, they can be drawn to camera locations or slowed down when travelling so that proper photos can be taken.

Trail camera location

Wolves tend to select locations that have middle low elevations and rolling topography instead of high topography. These are prime locations where trail cameras can be set up with high chances of capturing the wolves. They prefer these locations due to the presence of their primary preys such as elks and deers. As indicated earlier, wolves tend to follow human trails, roads, game trails, wetlands, and along ridgelines while travelling to their home range. They also leave behind recognizable scats and tracks along these routes.

Use of attractants

How to Track Wolves with a Trail CameraThere are a variety of attractants that can be used to bring wolves closer to the camera or have them pause as they move along the field of view of the camera. These include trapper lures and scent lures. Bait, such as the carcass of a deer can be used also. Wolves are intelligent animals and they quickly find out about potential baits that have been laid by human beings. Therefore, it is good to ensure that the baits do not have human scents since they will tend to avoid them. if possible, fresh carcasses should be used since they tend to have a strong scent.

Trail cameras can be set up at the location where the carcass has been spotted. The carcass can also be moved to another location where there is a possibility of capturing better photos. The camera should be set as far away as possible from the carcass to ensure that it captures the entire carcass or to capture a wolf that is approaching the carcass. The trail camera can also be tested to make sure that it is near the carcass in a way that any movement of the carcass will automatically trigger the trail camera.

Apart from a carcass, other areas that attract wolves include refuse sites, bone yards and hunter camps. These are places where trail cameras and traps can be set up for efficient tracking of wolves.

Rendezvous sites

When there is pup rearing, the activities of wolves are significantly limited since they return to their dens. With some good expertise, these sites can also be identified. Wolves prefer to set their dens in areas that are secluded and a short distance from water sources. Wet meadows are also habitat features that can be used to predict the rendezvous sites. These are also some areas where trail cameras can be set up.

Trail camera tips

How to Track Wolves with a Trail Camera– The trail camera should be set as close as possible to the wolf tracks and trails. However, it is good to check the instructions from the manufacturer about optimal distances since trail cameras differ in make and model. The recommended range for most trail cameras is about 10-20 feet from the target. The camera should be placed either facing northwards or southwards to avoid the direct glare of the sun when facing the east-west direction.

– Leave the camera unattended for up to 12 days to clear any human scent in the air. The wolves will feel secure enough to resume activity in the area. As much as it might be tempting, checking the camera too many times will fill the area with scent and scare the wolves away.


Trail cameras are a good way to identify the location of wolves and track them. With the combination of different methods and techniques, it is possible to capture good photos. However, it is good to set up the camera in the right way.

Where Can You Hunt Gray Wolves?

Where Can You Hunt Gray Wolves?


A hunting expedition starts with identifying the geographical zones and places where you will find the target; and the gray wolves are no exception. Having mentioned that, it is vital to explore the dynamics that shape where you go to hunt for the gray wolves.


Where Can You Hunt Gray WolvesUnderstanding the habitat of the gray wolves is going to help you identify the places that you are going to look for them. Typically, there is a direct correlation between the presence of gray wolves and human habitation. Gray wolves inhabit places that are sparsely populated.

Gray wolves are in the category of habitat generalists. This means that they dwell in a number of environments and do not have a lot of restrictions. These include forests, arctic tundra, desserts, and grasslands. During warm times, it is not uncommon to find gray wolves resting in the open. But in cold weather, they cover themselves up.

Gray wolves also live in a natural shelter. These include the fissures that are found on a rock, cliffs that are hanging on a riverbank, and also holes.

Most often, the den is strategically located near a water source. Another consideration during the construction is exposure to the sun light. Generally, gray wolves inhabit areas that are expansive. In addition to that, such areas must have the availability of prey as well as enough space to allow them to look for food. In connection to this, before you set out to hunt gray wolves, it is good to know that they can be elusive and are very intelligent. In addition to that, their territory can extend to many miles.

Places and States that Hunt Gray Wolves

Where Can You Hunt Gray WolvesGray wolves were a common animal in most of the parts of North America. However, in the 1930s, most of them were exterminated in most places. Later on, re-introduction programs were initiated. The following are some of the areas that you are likely to find gray wolves: the Great Lakes, Pacific Northwest, Northern Rockies, and of course Alaska.

States such as Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, do offer hunting seasons depending on various factors. Montana and Idaho started offering wolves hunting from 2009.

Notable Example: Alaska

In Alaska, a wolf is classified as a big game and hunting it is an official policy under the predator control. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game encourages residents to go out and hunt the wolves. It has enrolled volunteers to do the same. In fact, the state promised to give out $ 150 for each kill that is from certain control areas, though this was later over-turned. It should be noted that Alaska has never had wolf protection.


Before you go to hunt gray wolves, it is good to understand that the gray wolves are one of the animals that receive high political attention. Consequently, check with your local laws to understand if you are allowed to hunt them and where you are allowed to. At the same time, you may need to consult with animal experts on where you can get wolves in order to avoid wasting time during hunting.

What Is The Best Portable Air Compressor?

What Is The Best Portable Air Compressor?

There are many types of air compressors which are used in different tasks. A portable air compressor can be used at home or any other place due to its portability. Many portable air compressors are made using light materials. Different uses of compressors include tire rotation, sandblasting, running a paint sprayer, cleaning using air guns, maintaining tire pressure hence saving fuel. Other uses of Air Compressors are industrial uses which require permanent compressors. Most of the commonly used and the best portable compressors and highly recommended include the following:-

Campbell Hausfeld FP209499 3 Portable Compressor

What Is The Best Portable Air CompressorThis is an air compressor that is made in the USA. It is user friendly and contains three gallon tanks for the storage of air power. The tank reduces pulsation caused as a result of piston action, and has a cooler running motor to reduce the heat. The Compressor costs 59 USD and there is free shipping for buyers outside America. This is a favorable price where one saves about 55% price compared to the other Air Compressor sellers and manufacturers. A buyer can shop online and order the product which takes two days to receive it. The Compressor also comes with an accessory kit and is wrapped with a gift wrapper. According to a report by Sergey A. Gurevich, the Air Compressor is very light and portable and one is able to operate it without any significant challenges.

Air Compressor, 2.0 HP, 120/240V, 135 psi

It contains a vertical tank which is made of Cast Iron material and has a voltage of 115/230VAC. Also made in the USA, the Air Compressor has a Height of 38 inches, Weight 129ib, Length 31inches, Width S21inches and a maximum pressure of 135psi. It is oil lubricated with average pump life of 5,000hr. The company provides online shopping for the Air Compressor where one can save up to 35% of the cost thus making it an affordable product.

Chicago Pheumatic QRS 10HPD Air Compressor

This Compressor offers the lowest noise levels compared to the rest of the Air compressors because it contains sound enclosures. It consumes low energy hence reducing the monthly electric bills. Chicago Air Compressor can function in 24 hours a day in seven days of a week. This is a result of the high efficient TEFC motor which is quite operational. In addition to that, this compressor contains a cooling fan of 10Hp150 PSl. It is designated to save space.

Viair 85P Air Compressor

Powered by auxiliary power, this portable Air Compressor can only be used with an outlet rated to 15AMPS/180 volts or more. It contains bright LED light. The tire pressure gauge is easy to read and is mounted on the compressor. The engine when in use must be running and has a 12 VOLT- 60PSI maximum working pressure. This air compressor can be bought online on the Amazon with the shipping taking a period of two days to get to the buyer.


While purchasing air Compressors, efficiency and price are critical factors. However, one should also make sure the product is from an accurate country. The information given should be accurate and consistent to avoid complications.

Buyers should also purchase products from the companies that provide a warranty. This is due to maintenance and repair in-case a technical problem occurs to the air compressors. The Compressors should also be easy to operate. With the high rise of machines that make work easier, people should go for the portable air compressors.

How to Choose the Best Gun Safe for Air Rifles?

How to Choose the Best Gun Safe for Air Rifles?


Air rifles have traditionally been used for warfare but nowadays, they are used for sports. In most countries, to acquire an air gun, one does not require to have a license as long as they are above the age of 18. However, their use is as restricted just like the use of any other type of a gun. This is because out of many cases of careless usage of the air rifles, there have been many reported cases of fatal injuries.

In some countries, it is illegal for an Airgun owner not to take the necessary precautions to prevent an unauthorized person especially one under the age of 18 to gain access and use the rifle. Therefore it is paramount to use all the necessary measures to keep the gun safe.

Conditions Necessary for an Effective and Efficient Gun Safe

Out of Reach

What Is The Best Portable Air CompressorIt should be out of reach of the children. This is because it is illegal for children under the age of 18 to use the rifle without permission. Note that this should not only be a place high above their reach. The rifle should be kept in a locked cabinet to prevent unauthorized entry.


Unlike the norm, the best air rifle gun safe should not be made of wood as this would not prevent forced entry. Instead, it should be kept in a metal cabinet which is locked using a mechanical or electronic lock which can withstand forced entry, read more about different types of gun safes at www.gunsafeguy.org. There should also be a limit to the persons who have access to the unlock code or the keys to the lock of the safe.


What Is The Best Portable Air CompressorThis cabinet should be placed or situated in a place which is not obvious from plain sight. Some people fix their gun safe cabinet inside the closet such that what one can see is the cabinet and the clothes but not the gun safe. Some other people place the gun safe on the floor under the carpet. All these are in an effort to ensure that the air gun is secured.
Note that it is not safe to put the gun safe in one of the rooms or shelters in your compound that is not frequented, for example the garage or store. This is because the gun safe might be broken into and the air gun stolen.

This would be an offense in your case for not securing the gun and for the gun being used to intentionally causing harm or injury. Additionally, in such a room the gun can be stolen for days without your knowledge. An air rifle gun safe should be in a place you can be able to supervise every day.


In most countries, air gun and firearm offenses are treated just the same. Meaning, that one can be arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned. Therefore it is the responsibility of anyone who owns an air rifle to ensure that they protect themselves and those around them from any danger by keeping the air gun safe.